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January 29, 2013

Guacamole Snack, Sauerkraut Snack

steamed carrots and green beans with guacamole for dipping, sliced radishes, apple chunk
I have learned so many tricks about feeding toddlers this year. Here's one: kids will eat anything if they can dip it into something. Pick your healthy poison--guacamole, hummus, cottage cheese with a little garlic and herbs (or just plain cottage cheese), peanut butter, a little warm pool of garlic butter...

Then bring on the veggies.
kids love to dip
Five-Minute Guacamole
serves 3

3 ripe avocados, smashed
1 small ripe tomato, chopped small
1 clove garlic, grated
juice from half a lime
salt and pepper to taste

Mix it all up!


Remember that sauerkraut from the other week? Well, Darwin is INTO IT. He'll steal it off my plate if I don't give him his own.

garlicky curly kale, raw fermented sauerkraut, cheese slices, pear slices

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