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March 18, 2013

Fruit-Sweetened Banana Nut Muffins

These rustic, comforting muffins are another freezer staple for us, like our breakfast cookies.

I searched for a good, real-food muffin recipe for a long time. Do you know of any? Call me a purist, but I wanted only whole grains, whole fruit sugars, and virgin oil. I tinkered through a few edible but lacking batches (um, banana gnocchi??) and arrived here, delighted, at these yummy banana nut muffins. They're less dessert-like than others of their kind, but I've never wanted that from a breakfast muffin. Instead, they're mildly sweet, hearty, and sustaining.

Darwin likes to eat them while careening in circles around the living room rug. I like to eat them toasted, cut in half and topped with a shameless slab of grass-fed butter.

I'll take five, please
Whole Wheat, Fruit-Sweetened Banana Nut Muffins
makes 12 muffins

2 + 1/4 cups whole wheat flour (I like a mixture of hard red winter wheat, and white whole wheat)
3 very ripe bananas, mashed
2 eggs
1/2 cup whole plain yogurt
1/3 cup virgin coconut oil, gently heated into a liquid state
1/3 cup shelled walnuts, chopped
1/3 cup raisins
1 scant tsp. baking soda
pinch salt

Preheat oven to 350 and fill muffin tins with foil liners.

Measure flour, salt, and baking soda into a small mixing bowl.

In a large mixing bowl, whisk eggs, then add bananas, yogurt, and coconut oil. Whisk vigorously, until oil is completely incorporated.

Stir raisins and walnuts into the wet ingredients.

Add flour mixture to wet ingredients and fold until well-combined, but not over-mixed.

Spoon batter into muffin tins (they will look pretty full) and bake 20-25 minutes, until muffins are completely set and tops are golden.

whole wheat, fruit-sweetened banana nut muffin, broccoli with butter, strawberries


  1. In the ingredients you used baking powder but in the instructions baking soda?

    1. I've just tested a new batch using soda and a pinch of salt in place of the powder, and it rose a bit better. I changed the recipe to reflect this yummy news.

  2. Sorry, it should be baking powder through and through. Thanks for pointing that out.

  3. looks great! so happy to have stumbled upon your blog!
