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April 20, 2013

Simple Plates #17

Swiss cheese, fresh mango and blueberries, garbanzo beans, avocado, Spanish quinoa

mango, Swiss cheese, curly kale, avocado

Spanish quinoa, sweet potato rounds, blueberries

easy dal with carrots and garbanzo beans, steamed spinach, apple slices, whole plain yogurt

Double-take! This isn't Darwin's plate; it's mine. For almost every one of his little plates, there's a big plate for mama that goes un-photographed.

steamed spinach, fruit-sweetened breakfast cookie, sweet potato fries, blueberries

scrambled eggs, mango, avocado, crispy broiled kale, Spanish quinoa

broiled asparagus with feta cheese, grapes, turkey-veggie meatball, smoky split pea soup
Smoky split pea soup recipe coming soon!

blueberries, sweet potato rounds, avocado, roasted cabbage, Spanish quinoa

cinnamon-raisin oats, blueberries, steamed broccoli with coconut butter

apple slices, spinach, cucumber, whole white pita with feta/olives/tomatoes/onions, easy dal with carrots and garbanzo beans

whole plain yogurt, avocado slices, grapes, sweet potato fries, smoky split pea soup

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