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May 21, 2013

Simple Plates #22

Here are this week's simple plates. Our oven broke this week! Yikes! Stewed, steamed and sauteed things dominate our plates for now. Maybe the kitchen gods are trying to remind me it's nearly summer and I should turn the thing off already. Enjoy!
kiwi, radishes, real food macaroni and cheese, garlicky rappini, steamed sweet potato

mango, curried de puy lentils, garlicky curly kale

strawberries, mayo-free coleslaw with cranberries and herbs, turkey-veggie burger, steamed sweet potatoes
So, as I mentioned, our oven broke. *Beats chest in primal grief* Darwin's daddy had to turn a batch of turkey-veggie meatballs into turkey burger patties fried in a skillet. They turned out great! Mental note made.

"I'm gonna wear Daddy's shoes to go to work."

avocado, steamed sweet potato, whole wheat pasta, apple slice, Swiss cheese
A little plate of finger foods.

garlicky rappini, strawberries, lentil-vegetable stew, roasted potatoes in spicy tomato sauce 
These spicy potatoes were a tasty, tasty treat. I looked at this recipe for inspiration, but I really just wung it. I simmered a cup of tomato sauce with some sauteed onions, grated garlic, dried basil, and Tabasco sauce, then tossed the mixture with three cut-roasted Yukon Gold potatoes (our oven's last hoorah.)

Gouda omelet, steamed carrots and green beans

garlicky curly kale, whole wheat Asian peanut noodles with chopped raw veggies, orange pieces
I'll post the peanut noodle recipe as soon as I get the sauce's texture exactly right.

veggies prepped for peanut noodles... so lovely

pea and mushroom saute, cucumber chunks, banana pieces, cheese on sprouted grain toast

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