My name is Terita and I run this blog. I'm a mom of two, writer, teacher, lover of fresh food, and partner of ten years to my best friend, Scott.
I began pursuing an unprocessed diet years before I became a mother. In my early twenties, tired and unwell from a lifetime of typical American fare, I started changing old habits, eating more vegetables, and learning to cook. To my excitement, I experienced big improvements in my health. Then it got even better: as my relationship to food deepened, so did my sense of self, and the respect I felt for animals and the earth. I’m still inspired every day by the power of real food to foster wellness and wisdom.
Since becoming a mom in 2011, I feel charged to pass on the lessons I have learned from my years as a conscientious eater: that food is health, culture, history, humanity, and the planet; that it’s a source of simple, important pleasure in our everyday lives.
Kid Can Eat! shares the humble fruits of that labor, as we raise our kids with hopes common to parents everywhere: to see our little ones grow up healthy, happy, knowing, and strong.
I hope you enjoy your stay, and I welcome your questions and feedback! Check out our food philosophy page to read more about the kind of food we eat.